Why Disha College

Training and Development

Training and Development involves improving the effectiveness for Students. Training and development is one of the main events of the Disha College. Training refers to a systematic setup where students are instructed and taught matters of technical knowledge related to jobs and business.

 Whereas, Development refers to the overall holistic and education growth and maturity of People in managerial positions. Students will learn skill such as Psychometric analysis, Resume writing, Interview skill presentation skill, language proficiency, comprehension, company awareness etc, so that students become completely industry-ready by the time, they  complete their education.


·      A workshop is more than a chance to learn a new skill. It's a way of connecting to another human being's internal world.

·      Workshops have the potential to categorize same thinking people into a particular forum. Such platforms do open the door for exercising minds of same thoughts and behaviours.

·      It helps to build up students capabilities and can further more update their knowledge.

·      To make the students market ready Disha College organizes different workshops for every stream.


·         Seminars are an interactive method of group teaching, which usually enables students to gain maximum knowledge.

·         Disha college creates an opportunities for the different stream of students by organizing seminars on various topics.

Industrial Visit

Industrial Visit focuses on preparing the participants to learn about the day-to-day workings of a particular industry and understand its operational issues. The Visit also helps keep students abreast with the current management practices followed by such organizations and acquires traits that the industry demands of them.

Industrial visits are an integral part of Management Education and it is this experience that help students gain first hand information regarding functioning of various industries. Disha College Industry Visits enables internal exposure to add tremendously to the understanding of business practices among students and helps them in shaping their careers

Soft Skills

Soft skills are the most important skills that students can learn because people cannot succeed in many endeavors without these skills. Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects. Disha College started soft skill activities for students, which inculcate soft skill qualities in students.

Career Counseling Cell 

Lacks of gratitude are falling in the market every year, but they are struggling for tens of years to reach to goal organization and handsome salary. Reason behind this is lack of knowledge of career opportunities.

Disha College has taken on initiative for the same for students of college so that they must have knowledge of overall future opportunities before they get their degree. Its impact will be that the students will have exact idea at the time of entering to market with a perfect mindset and preparation and hence will get quick success in their goal.

 Disha College is organizing session for students to guide them for higher studies, corporate opportunities and government jobs with this student get exact idea of different opportunities available for them with respect to their own interest and level of ability to plan and shape their future.

Discussion Forum


Discussion is an important pail of any work Organization where in people irrespective of their designation and department talk on various issues as per required and reach to the best conclusion. In order to in hand the quality of speaking skill of students Disha College formed a Discussion Forum. Generally forum in broader sense is a platform where people register themselves to be a part and further discuss with other members on variety of topics

Here at Disha’s discussion forum the student is the members of forum get the oppertunitity to discuss and find the opinion of other members on respective topic. This also enhance the accepting quality of others opinion among students.

Under the discussion forum at a time. in one discussion the members of one department discuss on a give topic the inter department discussion is conducted where the best three participant are awarded.


 Sufficient and well stocked library is at the disposal of the students for their use. There are more than enough books for the students to prepare them for their in house and competitive exams. Regular updates are made to the stock as advised by the core and coaching faculty from time to time to ensure the student is updated. 
Magazines and journals related to subject courses enables the students to keep in touch with the latest trends and innovations in the outer world.